CM-Cabinets Library User Guide
In This Topic
    Strategy Table Management
    In This Topic

    The Layer button on the Mach.General > Tool page opens the Form Editor to allow you view/modify the Strategy Table.

    Layer Button - Click to Expand

    Layer Button - Click to Expand

    The form that allows access to the Strategy, Override and Layer Management pages is launched only if the Use Layer Strategies option is enabled through the Registry Settings. If enabled this will be reflected on the Mach.General > Const2 page, as shown.

    Drawing Properties : Mach. General > Const2 page  -  Click to Expand

    Drawing Properties : Mach. General > Const2 page  -  Click to Expand


    Managing Strategies

    The Strategy Table Management page has two (2) modes ...

    Standard Strategy Table  -  Click to view full page

    Standard Strategy Table  -  Click to view full page


    Advanced Strategy Table  -  Click to view full page

    Advanced Strategy Table  -  Click to view full page


    General Editing Notes

    Option Details
    Strategy Table The drop list is populated by the names of tables currently in the <your CabMaster folder>\Table\Machining\Layers\Strategy\
    Strategy The drop list is populated from the rows in current Strategy Table.
    Properties The Properties available for modification are those currently attributed to the chosen Strategy.
    Tooltips The Tooltips on the Property Values display the Property's Description (or, if there is no Description then the Property's Name).
    Editor Although any number of Properties can be assigned to each Strategy, the editor is limited to the editing of the first 20 of each Strategy.
    Sample Output

    The Sample Output substitutes any use of the CabMaster 'Component' properties 'Depth.x', 'StepType', 'Dim1', 'Dim2', 'DimCut1' and 'DimCut2' in the evaluation formula with sample values.               

    If any other CabMaster 'Component' property is included in the evaluation formula or the formula fails then the sample output will be "<sample unavailable>" .


    Strategy Properties


    Available in Standard and Advanced mode:

    1. Pick the relevant Strategy Table from the dropdown.
    2. Pick the Strategy to modify from the dropdown.
    3. Select the Property to update.
    4. Adjust the Property's Value.
    5. Adjust the Property's Description (displayed as the Tooltip when editing the Value).
    6. Repeat steps 3 to 5 as necessary.
    7. Press on the 'Save' button
    8. Confirm the modifications are to be saved

    Note: A series of Property updates can be reset by pressing the Reload before saving.



    Available in Advance mode only:

    1. Pick the relevant Strategy Table from the dropdown
    2. Pick the Strategy to modify from the dropdown
    3. Type in the name of the new Property
    4. Press the 'Add' button
    5. Confirm the addition
    6. Edit the Property's Value
    7. Edit the Property's Description (displayed as the Tooltip when editing the Value).
    8. Repeat steps 3 to 7 as required
    9. Press on the 'Save' button
    10. Confirm the modifications are to be saved.

    Note : A series of Property additions can be reset by pressing the Reload before saving.



    Available in Advance mode only:

    1. Pick the relevant Strategy Table from the dropdown.
    2. Pick the Strategy to modify from the dropdown.
    3. Select the Property to remove.
    4. Press the 'Remove' button to the right of the Property name.
    5. Confirm the Removal.
    6. Repeat steps 3 to 5 as required.
    7. Press on the 'Save' button.
    8. Confirm the modifications are o be saved.

    Note : A series of Property removals can be reset by pressing the Reload before saving.


    Strategies - Advanced Only


    Available in Advance mode only:

    1. Pick the relevant Strategy Table from the dropdown
    2. Press on the 'Add New' button
    3. Type in a Strategy name that does not already exist
    4. Confirm the Strategy is to be added
    5. Add any required Properties (see Adding Strategy Properties above)
    6. Enter an Evaluation formula
    7. Press on the 'Save' button
    8. Confirm the modifications are to be saved



    Available in Advance mode only:

    1. Pick the relevant Strategy Table from the dropdown
    2. Select the Strategy to remove from the dropdown
    3. Press the 'Remove' button to the right of the chosen Strategy
    4. Confirm the removal


    Editing Evaluation Formulas

    Available in Advance mode only:

    1. Pick the relevant Strategy Table from the dropdown
    2. Select the Strategy to modify from the dropdown
    3. Press the 'Edit Formula' button
    4. Edit the Evaluation formula as required
    5. Press on the 'Save' button
    6. Confirm the modifications are to be saved

    Note : The Evaluation Formula can be reset by pressing the Reload before saving.


    Strategy Table Location

    <your Cabmaster folder>\Table\Machining\Layers\Strategy\

    Table Details

    This table is referred to by formulas in the 'Override' table.

    The term 'Strategy' is used as the resulting 'Layers' are not always just a name, but often include other tooling parameters (e.g. tool name, depths, direction, entry/exit parameters etc).

    The name of this table is not fixed and there could be multiple tables, with the one in use selected by the customer.

    It is anticipated that this table will be edited to suit individual customer requirements.


    Example of Strategy table - See Notes on Formula (These details can also be viewed in the Evaluation Formula section on the Form)



    Column Name Details
    Layer A Formula that evaluates the Layer/Strategy
    Info An array of Property Values
    Index An index (array) of the 'Info' and 'Desc' Property Names
    Desc An array of the Property Descriptions




    See Also